Show All Highscores
Medal Place Name Points Date
Gold Medal 1. Sturka 28.690 Points 02/19/2017
Silver Medal 2. Wormi 28.154 Points 08/27/2013
Bronze Medal 3. Kreuzspinne 23.848 Points 08/25/2013
4. Welle 2011 22.836 Points 09/01/2013
5. kara 21.522 Points 08/28/2013
6. predator 19.380 Points 08/27/2013
7. caroline 17.174 Points 09/04/2016
8. Feigling148 16.532 Points 06/24/2016
9. Michael1968 15.586 Points 04/12/2015
10. yb28 14.820 Points 09/11/2013
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