Show All Highscores
Medal Place Name Points Date
Gold Medal 1. Kreuzspinne 78.725.000 Points 02/10/2024
Silver Medal 2. josef X 56.410.800 Points 05/05/2024
Bronze Medal 3. Sturka 37.924.500 Points 07/21/2023
4. URS311 18.596.200 Points 01/21/2025
5. Buffy1112 18.388.845 Points 04/02/2023
6. brennfried 15.216.000 Points 11/06/2024
7. Blumenfee 12.154.808 Points 06/30/2023
8. Haselmaus 8.070.972 Points 06/05/2023
9. a-goetze 7.929.895 Points 11/02/2023
10. philippr4g3 7.700.940 Points 09/11/2023
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