Show All Highscores
Medal Place Name Points Date
Gold Medal 1. TanteTulla 78.650 Points 08/26/2009
Silver Medal 2. leony 78.650 Points 01/15/2009
Bronze Medal 3. Gangstalady 68.970 Points 03/30/2008
4. twilight 66.450 Points 11/09/2009
5. super spieler 66.450 Points 04/04/2008
6. AndyMan 64.740 Points 07/20/2009
7. Muehlenchef 61.530 Points 04/15/2008
8. mosch67 61.410 Points 04/07/2008
9. jalu 60.750 Points 04/04/2008
10. Syberia 60.590 Points 10/05/2009
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