Show All Highscores
Medal Place Name Points Date
Gold Medal 1. josef X 12.501.180 Points 02/26/2024
Silver Medal 2. Kreuzspinne 9.885.390 Points 01/25/2025
Bronze Medal 3. Sturka 9.755.170 Points 12/04/2023
4. Vengeir 8.926.360 Points 08/18/2023
5. HSV1887 8.668.100 Points 05/29/2023
6. Haselmaus 8.540.050 Points 05/11/2024
7. felderer01 8.503.690 Points 05/22/2023
8. Ralf 8.114.390 Points 09/20/2023
9. philippr4g3 8.019.630 Points 10/23/2023
10. Sorgenlosesusi 7.942.020 Points 10/08/2023
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