Show All Highscores
Medal Place Name Points Date
Gold Medal 1. Ralf 3.354.825 Points 02/05/2025
Silver Medal 2. felderer01 3.000.665 Points 01/12/2025
Bronze Medal 3. E.T. 2.114.180 Points 01/13/2025
4. Kreuzspinne 1.883.180 Points 02/05/2025
5. Haselmaus 1.121.240 Points 02/04/2025
6. iwi 64 332.025 Points 01/28/2025
7. URS311 319.100 Points 01/03/2025
8. Buffy1112 262.865 Points 01/15/2025
9. Sturka 207.835 Points 01/30/2025
10. tobi12 194.170 Points 01/11/2025
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