Show All Highscores
Medal Place Name Points Date
Gold Medal 1. Kreuzspinne 709.640 Points 07/13/2024
Silver Medal 2. felderer01 667.250 Points 05/16/2024
Bronze Medal 3. Haselmaus 414.410 Points 06/05/2024
4. gymea 386.470 Points 05/12/2024
5. tobi12 231.385 Points 11/03/2024
6. raindrops 184.950 Points 12/27/2024
7. Ralf 88.980 Points 06/13/2024
8. Buffy1112 47.840 Points 04/15/2024
9. Olga 35.005 Points 04/15/2024
10. josef X 27.805 Points 07/17/2024
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