Show All Highscores
Medal Place Name Points Date
Gold Medal 1. Welle 2011 3.589.480 Points 03/14/2025
Silver Medal 2. Kreuzspinne 3.202.830 Points 03/18/2025
Bronze Medal 3. felderer01 2.503.605 Points 01/24/2025
4. springfield69 2.057.580 Points 01/28/2025
5. Buffy1112 927.550 Points 01/15/2025
6. Erikaxyz 845.930 Points 03/09/2025
7. E.T. 593.120 Points 01/15/2025
8. thea88 476.385 Points 03/04/2025
9. resey 372.485 Points 01/17/2025
10. Henne 371.040 Points 01/15/2025
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