Show All Highscores
Medal Place Name Points Date
Gold Medal 1. marafree 4.090 Points 06/25/2024
Silver Medal 2. Kreuzspinne 3.710 Points 08/18/2024
Bronze Medal 3. Dude 3.580 Points 06/24/2024
4. flutscher 3.560 Points 06/23/2024
5. mini 3.230 Points 06/21/2024
6. Buffy1112 2.660 Points 06/23/2024
7. Sturka 2.580 Points 06/21/2024
8. iwi 64 2.450 Points 07/06/2024
9. felderer01 2.430 Points 06/23/2024
10. Blumenfee 2.110 Points 06/24/2024
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