Show All Highscores
Medal Place Name Points Date
Gold Medal 1. Sturka 3.896 Points 02/07/2025
Silver Medal 2. silke5757 3.045 Points 07/12/2008
Bronze Medal 3. stephanie 1.749 Points 07/12/2008
4. STW13 1.510 Points 07/11/2008
5. Baby 1.252 Points 12/23/2008
6. heike66 1.145 Points 07/12/2008
7. richie1986 1.100 Points 10/01/2008
8. Mina 1.085 Points 07/11/2008
9. homer 1.080 Points 07/11/2008
10. MauiPaui 1.055 Points 08/12/2009
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