Show All Highscores
Medal Place Name Points Date
Gold Medal 1. Florin Malve 232.768 Points 05/13/2023
Silver Medal 2. Syberia 205.437 Points 05/31/2021
Bronze Medal 3. Jörg 136.284 Points 02/05/2025
4. Rainbow 117.784 Points 01/27/2020
5. susigl 89.030 Points 08/19/2020
6. naegele83 83.992 Points 10/29/2024
7. kowalska 80.391 Points 01/09/2019
8. Lara.kipper1 79.194 Points 02/17/2023
9. JKKikyKane 61.574 Points 09/17/2024
10. trulla 46.051 Points 05/17/2024
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