Show All Highscores
Medal Place Name Points Date
Gold Medal 1. wim 0 65.338 Points 12/11/2024
Silver Medal 2. tomicek 62.296 Points 05/23/2024
Bronze Medal 3. -Susi- 60.793 Points 05/21/2023
4. TimBali 60.783 Points 12/30/2022
5. IPMAN 59.924 Points 05/19/2020
6. Heiti 59.436 Points 08/21/2020
7. Gerhard Inge 59.217 Points 02/08/2025
8. Seelenherz57 58.963 Points 07/03/2021
9. elulio 57.244 Points 05/30/2020
10. tim thanatoss 56.145 Points 12/10/2024
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