Show All Highscores
Medal Place Name Points Date
Gold Medal 1. martina.elbrecht 68.720 Points 04/14/2023
Silver Medal 2. Jenny 20 63.180 Points 07/06/2022
Bronze Medal 3. ddb1968 59.030 Points 03/08/2023
4. raindrops 55.480 Points 02/26/2022
5. Buffy1112 50.015 Points 03/13/2022
6. Typhoon7 45.045 Points 02/28/2021
7. felderer01 44.365 Points 01/05/2022
8. thea88 42.275 Points 02/19/2025
9. Reg 41.220 Points 06/30/2021
10. huvvaligen 39.540 Points 08/02/2022
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